• Life Insurance, Wills, & Generations

    Do you have Life Insurance? Do you have a will? Are you thinking about how these affect the next generation? Regardless of your feelings in most cases life insurance, wills, & generations are intertwined. For some, this is not an easy topic because death is not something we like to focus on but at some point we all know dying is a part of life. When that day comes, Lord willing you know where you are going but what about those you are leaving behind? This is where life insurance and a will come into play!

    If a parent has an untimely death life insurance should generate enough money (plan to buy 10 to 12 times your income) to allow their family to sustain their same standard of living. A will allows the parent's wishes to be executed. If you are responsible, especially financially, for a spouse, a child, etc. please buy some term life insurance and take care of your next generation. Remember a good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children... Enjoy the video!

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