Whatever your financial goals may be please remember to trust the process. Slow and steady wins the race, it's an anomaly to hit a home run your first or second time at bat. Here is the process that helped me and my wife payoff our home in about 19 months:
1) Prayer
Everything should start with prayer. It was difficult to get my wife on the journey to be debt free and pay off our home. I tried everything: nice, mean, tough love, regular love (if there is such a thing lol), speaking about it, and not speaking about it. But the change only happened when I started praying to Christ about it and one day she told me, "I think we can get out of debt!"
2) Vision
"Where there is no vision the people perish..." is a part of Proverbs 29:18. We envisioned what it could be like without having a house payment. We asked ourselves what kind of trips could we go on? How could we help other people? What type of legacy could we leave our unborn children? And how does this align with how God would want us to live? After much discussion and prayer the vision become clear, which is needed to achieve your goal.
3) Budgeting
The budget turned our vision into a reality. It was like our road map that we were able to update and change to get to our final destination. The budget allow us to know every penny coming in and going out so we can better plan on how we would attack, destroy, and obliterate our mortgage. We did a budget every month and still do them to this day. It's second nature for us (although we can still have heated discussions sometimes lol). It's our way of "being diligent to know the state of our flocks, and attend to our herds" (Proverbs 27:23). The type of form we used, I built in excel and you can find them here for purchase.
4) Diligence
As I alluded to in the budget section we did a budget every month... no matter what was going on. I don't think we missed a month since we started the budget. I've heard diligence being describe as "a little bit of excellence over time" by Dave Ramsey which is what you have to do to meet your goal. Slow motion is better than no motion. Keep pushing with excellence and Lord willing the results will come!
5) Discipline
One of the hardest things for us was to stay disciplined on our journey of paying off our home. Some times we had to Sacrifice what we wanted to do for the greater cause of getting rid of our mortgage. To help us stay on track we kept each other accountable and we communicated on budget changes (yes it's okay for the budget to change during the month, this was hard for me to understand for a while but I thank God my wife showed me lots of grace!) Discipline is not fun while you are going through it but it will get you were you want to be. Check out Hebrews 12:11 so you know I'm not making this stuff up!
6) Faith
We trusted that if we sought after God even though at first we could not see the light at the end of the tunnel, we were still going to meet our goal. I used to day dream about being out of debt, going to the Dave Ramsey Show, and not having a house payment. And when we first started our plan it was going to take us about 3 or 4 years and because we trusted God and got laser focused we did it in less than 2 years! Praise God! It's like you have to know that you know you are going to win. It seemed like we were doing our part trusting the process and having faith in Him and we saw God move. Why wouldn't He do the same for you?
If you need financial coaching or help with a budget and would like a consultation email us at:
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